You are here: Home > Hall Flowmeter > AS-300 Hall Flowmeter︱Carney Flow Meter Funnel︱Metal Powder Flow Rate︱Apparent Density︱Manufacturer
AS-300 Hall Flowmeter︱Carney Flow Meter Funnel︱Metal Powder Flow Rate︱Apparent Density︱Manufacturer
AS-300A Hall Flowmeter (Funnel) /Hall Flow Meter (Funnel) determines both Hall Flow Rate and Apparent Density of free-flowing metallic powders as well as other fine powders in various particle size distributions with calibrated Hall Flowmeter funnel or Carney Funnel as well as most advanced Gustavsson Funnel.
AS-300A Hall Flow meter is an automatic Hall Flowmeter that conform to international standards. HMKTest is a world leading Hall Flowmeter supplier.
As an experienced manufacturer of powder flow testing, HMKTest first develops automatic hall flowmeter,automatic carney flowmeter and automatic Gustavsson Flowmeter
- ASTM B213 Standard Test Method for Flow Rate of Metal Powders
- ISO 4490 Metallic powders – Determination of flow rate by means of a calibrated funnel (Hall Flowmeter)
- MPIF No.3
- ASTM B212 Standard Test Method for Apparent Density of Free Flowing Metal Powders Using the Hall Flowmeter Funnel
- MPIF No.4 Std. 04—Apparent Density of Free-Flowing Metal Powders Using the Hall Apparatus
- ISO No. 3923-1 Metallic powders – Determination of apparent density – Part 1 Funnel method
In addition AS-300A determines Apparent Density of non-free-flowing powers with optional Carney Funnel according to International Standards
- ASTM B417 Standard Test Method for Apparent Density of Non-Free-Flowing Metal Powders Using the Carney Funnel
- MPIF No.28
- ISO No.3923-1
120 users till Dec 25, 2019
- Hall Flow Rate of 50 g metal powders
AS-300A Hall Flowmeter Funnel determines flow rate by measuring the time taken by 50 gram of a metal powder to flow through a calibrated hall flowmeter funnel/orifice of standardized dimensions(0.1 inch/2.5 mm) according to International Standards. - Apparent Density of free-flowing powders
AS-300A Hall Flowmeter determines the apparent density by permitting a volume or certain quantity of powder in a loose condition to flow from a hall flowmeter funnel orifice Diameter 0.1 inch/2.5 mm into a specified density cup of definite volume(25 cm³) under controlled conditions. The mass of powder per unit volume (the ratio between the mass and the volume) is recorded and reported as apparent density. - Apparent Density of non-free-flowing powders
AS-300A Hall Flowmeter determines the apparent density by permitting a volume or certain quantity of powder in a loose condition to flow from a Carney funnel diameter 0.2 inch/5.0 mm into a specified density cup of definite volume(25 cm³) under controlled conditions. The mass of powder per unit volume (the ratio between the mass and the volume) is recorded and reported as apparent density.
- AS-300A host 1ea
- Hall funnel&certificate 1ea
- Density cup&certificate 1ea
- Funnel support for apparent denstiy 1ea
- Calibration powder chinese emery 1ea (optional)
- Carney Funnel(optional)
- Gustavsson Funnel(optional)
- Balance(optional)
- Iron stand & support
3-D print, Powder metallurgy, metallic powders, food powders, cement powders, plastic powders, rubber powders, ceramic powders, pharmaceutical powders etc.
- HMKTest is a world leading and reliable supplier Hall Flowmeter/Hall Flow Meter Funnels and Carney Funnels. All the metallic parts are processed and supplied by qualified subcontractor according to International Standards in order to make the unit accurate and robust for sale to satisfy the user’s requirement at cost-effective hall flow meter price.
- HMKTest is also a major research participant in the interlaboratory study of the flow of Chinese Emery. Chinese Emery is used to calibrate a hall flowmeter funnel by the manufacturers.
- HMKTest is only original manufacturer of Chinese Emery according to ASTM B213 and other international standards using such certified reference material.
Kindly contact HMKTest for immediate quotation.
- Is hall flowmeter a hall effect flow sensor? No, hall flowmeter is not a hall effect sensor, hall flow meter is designed for metal powder flow rate measurement.
- What are popular hall flowmeter funnel standard? ASTM B213,ISO 4490,ASTM B212
- Carney flow meter funnel with stand and apparent density cup
Automatic hall flowmeter
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freely through the specified test orifice,practices ASTM B 215.,Pulver-Durchflussmesser,Pulver-Durchflussmesser Trichter,quantitiy of powder in astm b 213,refractory metals apparent density,Rohdichte,room temperaturer,sala de calibración del medidor de caudal de embudo,sala de embudo medidor de flujo,sala de medidor de flujo,sala de procedimientos de calibración del medidor de flujo de embudo,salle de débitmètre,salle de l'entonnoir débitmètre,scott density tester,scott volumeter,scott volumeter baffle box,scott volumeter cup volume,scott volumeter cylindrical cup,scott volumeter density cup,scott volumeter funnel,scott volumeter horizontal vibration-free base,scott volumeter manufacturer,scott volumeter method,scott volumeter stand,scott volumeter supplier,sieve analysis,standard test method of flow rate,standardized emery grit,stationary powder start to flow measurement procedure,stationary testing method of flow rate,surface area analysis,surface area analyzer,tap density tester,tapped density tester,test sieve,testing powder flow,tiempo de secado de esmeril,time of flow less than 37s,tumbler screener,tumbler screening machine,une salle de débit mètre de procédures d'entonnoir étalonnage,USP Chapter 616 Method 2,velocidad de flujo,vibration free base.,Zeta potential,воронка порошок расходомер,Зал расходомер,Зал расходомер воронка,зал расходомер воронку,зал расходомер воронку калибровки,зал расходомер процедуры воронку калибровки,Карни воронку,китайский наждачной время сушки,Лазерный анализатор размеров частиц,насыпная плотность,порошок расходомер воронка,поток металлического порошка,расходомер зал,расходомер порошок,скорость потока
2024/04/24 12:58:40
I would like to buy Emery for calibration of Hall funnel? Could you send me a quote? Do you have some certificate for this Emery?
2023/03/14 23:02:27
I need a quote for the AS-300M Hall Flowmeter P/N 030398
Thank you
Best Regards,
N. Middaugh
2022/09/23 10:53:27
Dear Sir/Madam,
Would you mind sending me a quote for the AS-300M Hall Flowmeter P/N 030398?
Thank you!
Best Regards,
Wei Zhe
2022/08/12 15:55:17
Can you kindly send me a quote for both the automated and manual hall flow systems please?
Many thanks.
Best Regards,
2022/06/23 21:13:56
I would like to request a quote for the following item:
AS-300A Intelligent Hall Flowmeter P/N 033698
Thank you in advance.
2022/06/23 17:07:06
Could you please send me a quote for AS-300M Manual Hall Flowmeter P/N 030398. Both with Hall and Carney funnel options and shipping to Spain.
Best Regards,
2021/12/17 17:26:40
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am interested in buying a Hall flowmeter for our carbon powder flowability testing purpose and angle of repose tester. Please provide a quote for the device.
Best Regards,
2021/10/12 03:36:24
I am interested in the AS 300 M Hall flow meter price and delivery
2021/06/23 20:16:38
Could you please send me a quote for AS-300M Manual Hall Flowmeter P/N 030398. Both with Hall and Carney funnel options and shipping to Poland.
Best Regards,
2021/05/14 20:23:44
Could you provide a quote for AS-300M Manual Hall Flowmeter P/N 030398, with shipment to Norway? Thanks.
2020/11/04 02:42:19
Could you provide me a quote for the AS-300M Manual Hall Flowmeter with shipment to the UK please.
Kind regards,
2020/09/25 19:35:03
Good morning,
do you have your sender in Europe?
Thank you
Pierpaolo Iovane
2020/07/03 19:30:59
Dear Madam or Sir,
I am interested in receiving a quote for the AS-300M Manual Hall Flowmeter P/N 030398 as well as for the Carney funnel device.
Best regards,
2020/01/09 21:38:13
Dear all,
Can you provide me a quotation for the AS-300M Manual Hall Flowmeter P/N 030398 plus Carney funnel apparatus?
Can you also send me a brochure?
Many thanks
2020/01/02 20:15:14
Please can you provide me with a quotation for the (AS-300M Manual Hall Flowmeter Manufacturer P/N 030398).
Many thanks
RG Spray
2019/12/13 15:02:48
I am really interested to buy this Hall Flowmeter. Please provide a quote for the device.
2019/11/28 06:51:33
Interested in getting a quote for a Alcan-300 powder flowmeter. We are in Santa Clara, California.
Please mention deliver time and your contact information. Thanks,
Sanjoy Das, Sr Ceramics Engineer
2019/09/06 18:16:59
Dear Sir or Madam,
We are are interested in buying a AS-300A Automatic Hall Flowmeter and we would like to have quote for this device.
Best regards.
2019/07/19 02:34:55
Hi, I would like a quote for both AS-300M Manual Hall Flowmeter P/N 030398 and
AS-300A Intelligent Hall Flowmeter P/N 033698
2019/07/02 19:18:25
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am interested in buying a AS-300M Manual Hall Flowmeter P/N 030398and would appreciate a quote for the device.
Best Regards,
G. Mussot
2019/06/24 10:44:27
Hi, I’m interesting AS-300 series Hall Flowmeter. However I check the ASTM B213 and ISO 4490. The orifice size is 0.1 inch(2.54mm) in ASTM sysetm. The orifice size is 2.5mm.
Are they compatible each other?
or AS-300 series will provide two kind of funnel?
Wait for HMK’s clarification.
2019/04/12 18:03:00
We are looking for an “AS-300M Manual Hall Flowmeter P/N 030398” – Qty 1 Nos.
Please kindly share your best offer, lead time & following points as well.
Also, share if you any Indian dealer & distributor for the same.
I will wait for your swift & positive response in the same.
2019/03/29 19:32:10
I am looking for a Carney flow meter funnel with stand and apparent density cup.
Can you supply, and if so, what is cost including shipping to the UK.
Many thanks
Technical Specialist
AMG Alpoco
2019/03/07 12:11:32
I am a researcher at University of Washington. I am interested in AS-300M Hall Flowmeter. Could you please send me the quote alongwith any educational discount as soon as possible?
2019/02/28 06:14:42
Would you mind sending me a quote for the AS-300M Hall Flowmeter P/N 030398.
2018/12/19 21:11:00
2018/11/23 19:44:04
What is the price of AS-300A Intelligent Hall Flowmeter P/N 033698
AS-300M Manual Hall Flowmeter P/N 030398
with shipping to Poland
Maciej Malicki
2018/09/19 16:52:35
I would like to have quotes for all apparent density testers you have. The funnel diameter I am looking for for is 7,5 mm and 25mm height, availability for 50 Hz frequency for funnel vibration
2018/04/17 22:47:12
To whom it may concern,
Please provide a quote for one unit of the AS-300M Manual Hall flowmeter. We will be using it to measure the apparent density of Zinc powder (EverZinc BI 60 200 d70).
Best regards,
George Yu
2018/03/14 15:57:33
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am really interested to buy this Hall Flowmeter. Please provide a quote for the device.
Roni Jahila
2018/01/30 20:46:47
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am interested in buying a Hall flowmeter for our academic research purpose. Please provide a quote for the device.
Best Regards,
Professor, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore-632014, India
2017/08/16 10:38:20
[…] – hall flowmeter and pycnometer method – air jet sieve and pycnometer method – tap density tester and pycnometer method […]
2017/08/04 10:58:36
[…] Hall Flow Meter […]
2017/08/04 10:51:13
[…] Hall Flow Meter […]
2017/07/26 23:25:23
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am interested in buying a Hall flowmeter and would appreciate a quote for the device.
Best Regards,
Lukas Haferkamp